The Metal Gear game series has always been a staple of the stealth action genre. But in recent years many gamers, even hardcore fans, noticed that while the games were groundbreaking in terms of storytelling and world-building, they became more and more lacking in the actual gameplay department. Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes is here to fix that.
While serving as a pseudo testing ground for the new chapter in the saga - the upcoming Phantom Pain — Ground Zeroes can actually hold its own. It's a lot more than a technical demo. It has its own genuinely good gameplay and story. Once again, you play as Snake and infiltrate a secret base in order to complete your mission. The only difference is that the base is actually there. It's a small open world environment where you may proceed in any way you see fit. You can go through heavily guarded areas or sneak past on the shoreline. You can come out guns blazing and it would not be an automatic fail, or you can slip in unnoticed. Luckily, this time around gunplay has become up to date with easy targeting system and fluent combat mechanics. It's downright enjoyable to fire a gun or punch someone in the face. Modern camera system finally lets you operate with full awareness of your surroundings. And additions to gameplay such as reflex mode, which allows you to react fast to an enemy noticing you and silence him before an alarm is raised, make the new Metal Gear a fun ride. more